What we do

We deliver internationally recognized, transparent, and sound carbon projects in African rangelands

We develop carbon projects that uses rewilding as a tool to sequester carbon dioxide, improve biodiversity, and create resilient socio-economic systems in a virtuous cycle. We help landowners and communities overcome the opportunity cost of rewilding their land through a combination of carbon offsets and impact investment into nature-based solutions. We support projects with long-term monitoring, reporting and validation to ensure all credits issued are robust and lead to demonstrated positive impacts on biodiversity and communities.

Feasibility analysis

Carbon projects have high start-up costs and are time consuming, yet early on there is little certainty that a carbon project will be viable. We combine expert insights with cutting edge technology to provide low-cost feasibility studies. This enables our clients to reduce uncertainty before investing precious time and capital.

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Structuring and project finance

Carbon projects are complex and involve many stakeholders, many of whom have economic and governance rights. Additionally, the costs of developing a carbon project are high and future carbon credit streams are needed today in order to effect change.

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Carbon project execution

We will compile all the documentation required for a full accreditation with a recognized carbon offsets body, such as Verra. We are able to help guide our clients through this entire process from start to finish, mitigating the complexity inherent in these project submissions.

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Ongoing monitoring and verification

A carbon project is a long-term commitment and so too is our relationship with our customers, which will span the entire carbon crediting period (typically 30 years). We will ensure the project remains valid, the science is sound, and that there is radical transparency for the credit purchasers.

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