Who we are

We develop carbon and biodiversity projects in African rangelands. Our team provides expertise along the entire value chain of project development, from rewilding and carbon science, to project management, business development, financial modelling, carbon credit market analyses and brokering.

Mission, vision, and values

The Rewild vision is to foster a future where where both people and ecosystems thrive on African rangelands in African rangelands.

Our approach is to enable the rewilding of African rangelands through carbon and nature credit financing for triple bottom-line impacts: people, planet, and profit.

Using the latest scientific and technological advancements, our aim is to lower the costs of entry to carbon and biodiversity projects to create vast interconnected wildlife ‘working lands’ across the continent.

The majority of carbon credit projects currently being developed in Africa focus on preserving forest landscapes (such as REDD+). This misses the opportunity to promote soil carbon sequestration in ‘working’ landscapes where communities are able undertake additional economic activities simultaneously.

Rewilded land has the potential to develop new, sustainable economic activities, such as ecotourism, hunting, wildlife products, and game meat production - however, the initial barrier of ‘missing markets’ is significant and carbon finance can play a vital role in bridging the viability gap. Using carbon markets to promote inclusive economic systems that deliver broad-scale sustainable development based on rewilded rangelands is a key opportunity for Africa.

We’re here to Rewild. Get in touch.

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